The Florida Department of Transportation asked Dunn&Co. to bring attention to the highest pedestrian death rate in the United States and a bicyclist fatality rate that was triple the national average. Our research showed that the root cause of the epidemic was a dangerous mix of ignorance and indifference; a collective disregard that was leaving us blind to the rules, the facts, and each other. Most Floridians didn't know the basic laws of transportation safety and didn't seem to care. Cars might as well have been tanks. So we created "See The Blindspots" and launched it with TV, print, web and non-traditional media tactics to help Floridians see the roads differently and begin looking out for each other. The campaign received local and international media attention shortly after it was launched and, with a limited budget, exceeded expectations in consumer reach: 120,000 web visits in the first month of launch, 250,000 online PSA views and 9,000 online commercial views.