When you walk through the front door of our offices at the former Corina Cigar Factory, you’ll be greeted by a glistening wall of trophies. We won’t lie, they make a solid first impression (how about those Emmys?) But Dunners know that as large as that display might be, and as shiny as those trophies are, we have something even brighter going on here. And it has nothing to do with our gleaming accolades, riveting new business ventures, or spiffy espresso machine. Well, maybe a little to do with that last one.

What it’s really about are the people and the culture we’ve cultivated together.
Trust us, we know that culture is a word that’s too often thrown around to discuss workplaces. But here, we try to really make it mean something. And we think it does.
To us, culture is filling a room with Huggies for a coworker’s baby shower and making the mom’s favorite cake from scratch in our office kitchen.
It’s baking bread in the upstairs oven at 4 so that it’s fresh and warm for the Creative Happy Hour at 5.
It’s scotch-taping an eclectic mix of memes to the walls and bringing in your furry friend every few weeks. Playing a high-stakes round of pool or ping pong because, is it even an ad agency if there aren’t games?

Our culture starts within these four walls but reaches far beyond them. Team outings for special occasions and movie premieres. Care packages for our friends working outside of the 813. Helping a coworker move that heavy couch, or not hesitating to change a tire for a friend in need. Or a group of us not missing an episode of our favorite show at our colleague’s home on Monday nights.
Being back together in this old brick building (even in hybrid mode) has forged something special and uniquely ours. Those first hellos in the hallway extend to lengthy conversations in the café-inspired kitchen.
From movie nights in our cinema to workout mornings in our gym, we take pride in making this building a space we’re excited to come to, and from that, we’ve created our wonderful Dunn culture.
And for our Dunners giving this a read, go ahead and track your time to DUN-008-001A (Dunn Culture).
– Michala Jackson, Copywriter