Trinity Cafe – Volunteering on a Lunch Break

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Recently Amber and I brought some D&C passion to Trinity Cafe – a cafe for the homeless and hungry. The cafe operates as any other daytime lunch spot in our downtown Tampa area except there is no money exchange and all staff are volunteers. Executive chef Alfred Astl has created over 750,000 quality meals over a 10 year span with Trinity Cafe. 

Our job? Smile, greet, serve and talk with the guests. Their stories were rich with life experiences and quite sobering. One story that struck me in particular was a couple that used to volunteer with the cafe and are now guests after a recent car/pedestrian crash that has left the husband without work. 

Everyday I learn something about Tampa that makes me feel like we’re more big city than people tend to think. How often do we explore our own city and get involved? The opportunities and positive efforts are all around us. It’s pretty rewarding getting involved with local efforts inside the office and outside. 

Thank you Trinity Cafe for welcoming us. Thank you especially to the elderly gentlemen at table 4 who insisted on back rubs for the table. We’ll be back. 
– Brit